Saturday, 18 January 2014

Leading Lines

These are my pictures for leading lines:

For this picture I took a picture of my partner, Andres sitting on a bench. I put the camera at the edge of a bench and made it so the lines on the bench lead to him. The aperture for this picture is 3.6 and shutter speed is 5. I made no adjustments in photoshop and believe it is fine the way it is. I believe the purpose for the photo has been accomplished and think it's good.

For this picture I went up against a locker and pointed it to the poster so the locker would be a leading line. The aperture is 4 and shutter speed is 5.3. I believe if the poster was more to the left it would be a better picture and it would truly be leading lines. I made no adjustments in photoshop but I believe the picture would be better if the poster was more to the left. 

-Siddharth Bhalla 9B1

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